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Choosing the Right Genre for Your Self-Published Book

Updated: Oct 8, 2023


Self-Publishing has revolutionized the world of literature, allowing writers to bring their stories and ideas to life without the need for traditional publishing. An important decision every self-published author must make is choosing the right genre for their book. This decision can significantly impact the marketability of the book and its ability to resonate with readers. In this blog post, we'll explore the different genres available, assess their marketability, and provide guidance on how to select the best genre for your self-published book.

Understanding Different Genres:

1. Fiction Genres:

a. Romance: Romance novels remain popular, with a dedicated and passionate readership. These include a wide range of sub-genres from contemporary, to historical, paranormal and more.

b. Mystery/Thriller: This genre keeps readers on the edge of their seats, making it one of the most marketable genres. It includes crime, espionage, and psychological thrillers.

c. Science Fiction/Fantasy: Ideal for imaginative storytellers, these genres transport readers into supernatural realms and futuristic scenarios.

d. Literary Fiction: Known for its depth and complexity, literary fiction often explores profound themes and character development.

2. Non-Fiction Genres:

a. Self-Help: Self-help books that offer guidance on personal development, wellness, or business success have a broad and receptive audience.

b. Memoir: Sharing personal experiences can be compulsive, but identifying your target audience and their interests is essential.

c. Cookbooks, Travel, and How-To Guides: These genres cater to specific markets, so it's important to understand your audience.

Marketability Considerations:

1. Research Your Audience: Understand your target readers before choosing any genre. What do they enjoy reading? What problems or interests do they have that your book could address?

2. Genre Popularity: Check the current market trends. Some genres consistently perform well, while others might be more competitive.

3. Your Passion and Expertise: Writing in a genre you're interested in or knowledgeable about can make the writing process more enjoyable and authentic.

4. Competition: Analyze the competition within your chosen genre. Is there a gap you can fill or a unique angle you can explore?

5. Flexibility: Be open to hybrid genres or sub-genres that can give your book a distinctive edge.

Choosing the Right Genre:

1. Balance Your Passion with Market Demand: It's essential to strike a balance between what you love to write and what the market demands. Consider niches within your chosen genre.

2. Test the Waters: Write a short story in your selected genre and gauge the audience's response before committing to a full-length book.

3. Seek Feedback: Share your ideas with beta readers or writing groups to get an outside perspective. And share your thoughts only with your trusted people.

4. Stay True to Your Voice: Regardless of genre, authenticity is key. Readers connect with authors who are genuine and passionate about their work.


Choosing the right genre for your self-published book is a pivotal decision that can affect its success. By carefully considering your target audience, market trends, and your own passion and expertise, you can make an informed choice that sets your book on the path to success. Remember, there's a diverse world of genres out there, so embrace the one that resonates with your creative spirit and captivates the hearts and minds of your readers.

Happy Writing!

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